The month of May is full of events as far as my family is concerned.
Birthdays . . .

Today - May 25 - is my eldest daughter Ara's 16th birthday! Oh how time really flies. I can still remember endlessly pacing to and from the delivery room at Chinese General Hospital waiting for my baby to come. We exchanged text messages last night and she asked me to come home on her next birthday or be at her next graduation. I'll try my best gang-gang.
Today is also the birthday of my sister-in-law, Arlene Lanzaderas. Yesterday - May 24 - was her son Jiggy's birthday.

Last Friday - May 23 - was my dear Mama's 70th birthday (oops kelangan ba sabihin yon)! Wuz planning to give her a big bash to mark this milestone, but the good Lord has other plans. Will make it up to you, Mama.
My Papa would've turned 80 last May 15. We've been marking his birthday without him with us for the last 28 years.
More May events . . . .
My cousin Britta May Borromeo-Navarro was born this month (sorry, the exact date slipped my mind as I write this).
Her Mom, my Tita Susing, died on May 19, 1986. I miss her so much.
The kids last saw their Lolo Orling when we went home for a two-week vacation in May 2005.
And so on...gotta stop, the boss is here.
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